BraveICONS Global is adopting the professional services networks model, to operate as a business networks of independent firms who come together to cost-effectively provide professional services to clients through an organized framework under the BraveICONS Global brand.

BraveICONS Global International Limited, a holding company, to be based in an offshore location will be the coordinating entity for the global network of firms. It will manage the global brand, and develop policies and initiatives, to create a common and coordinated approach in areas such as risk, quality, and strategy. It will not provide services to external clients.

The objective of our network is to create a framework which can allow members to expand their services globally. Within the network they can operate to pursue their interests. These interests can include referrals, joint venturing, access to expertise, developing regional expertise, publishing articles for clients, branding, technical information exchange, market positioning, pro bono services, etc. The scope of these interests is defined not by the members but by the network.

Network Disclaimer

Network members are independent firms that do not practice jointly and are not responsible for the negligence of each other. This independence is the foundation of both network operations and governance.